
Sunday, August 16, 2015

What business professionals should know about Twitter... Tips for everyday users....


The rules of marketing remain constant, but the media has changed drastically.Consumers have adopted social media quickly, with Twitter growing faster than most. But don't just open a profile and start tweeting! Here are six ways you can optimize your Twitter strategy for maximum business attraction:
  • What's In A Name? Choose your Twitter ID carefully–make it memorable and appropriate for doing business. Your own name is always a good choice. Make sure email and social media user names are similar to avoid confusion. Upload your photo, too: Profiles with photos on average have 10 times more followers.

  • Wash, Rinse, Retweet. When you embed outside photos, links, and videos into your tweets the likelihood of getting retweeted, attracting more followers, or getting a call goes up exponentially: 19 percent of all tweets have links, but 57 percent of those get a retweet. Also, asking for retweets with "pls RT" or "please RT" or "Please Retweet" scores 50 percent of the time.

  • Verbs–That's What's Happening. "The Science of Twitter" webinar from HubSpot says verbs and adverbs get far more retweets than nouns or adjectives.

  • Hashtag Heaven: Hashtags make tweets searchable. Make sure to incorporate real estate terms into your hashtags: #RealEstate, #Realtor, #RE, and #NYRealEstate (or whatever state of the Union) work best.

  • Your Ad Here. You want as much organic traffic as possible, but inexpensive Twitter ads can help you target leaders and key demographics for your tweets. Check Twitter for Business for details.

  • Rules of Engagement. People refer to Twitter as a "micro-blog" for good reason, and many of the same rules apply. Post too seldomly and you'll lose readership, post too much and lose engagement. Most retweets occur between 3-5 p.m. EST; readership declines by 50 percent after the third tweet in a single day, regardless.

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